Thursday, 13 December 2012

one pan wonder

My kitchen phrase of the week has been "I just want my freezer to have a fresh start." How ridiculous!

Let me explain....

I really hate having to freeze my fresh food but have no choice. When, like myself, you live a 2 hour drive from a decent supermarket freezer space is precious. After a while you accumulate sooo much 'just in case we run-out food' in your freezer that it becomes a hazard to even open it (a frequent occurrence for me) and you get the shits and swear (as I have this week) not to buy anything else until you have eaten your way through it. And I am proud to say that I have stuck by this for the first. time. ever.

So what do you do when you defrost a heap of what once were fresh fish fillets??

Cook them, in a pan, with stuff:

white fish - I used combination of coral trout and red throat emperor
red onion
tomato paste
olive oil
sweet paprika
balsamic vinigar
sea salt
cracked pepper
fresh parsely

I sautéed the onion and capsicum in lots of olive oil until juicy and caramelised. Then added the paprika, salt, pepper and tomato paste and let it cook down a little more. Towards the end I splashed a decent amount of balsamic in and let it meld and become sticky and glossy. I put the  parsley on top when ready and took out of pan.

I then cooked the fish in the same pan, slowly letting it become golden from the pan juices. Once fish was cooked through I add the onion and capsicum back to the pan and married the two.

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